Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, two of the most beloved couples in Bollywood, have never held back when expressing their affection and support for one another. The couple, who were married in 2018, reportedly met while filming their blockbuster movie, Goliyon Ki Raasleela: Ram Leela, directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, in 2012.
The on-screen and off-screen couple has remained together ever since, no matter what. However, there have recently been numerous reports of turmoil in paradise, and this has frightened admirers.
It all started when a Twitter user going by the name of Umair Sandu said that the couple had reached their breaking point and were set to break up. The aforementioned Twitter user revealed that Padukone's battle with mental illness is cited as a key factor.
The Tamasha actress, who has openly discussed her battle with depression, was recently admitted to the hospital after passing out while filming on the sets of an upcoming movie. A similar rumour was going around the internet a few weeks ago after Deepika checked herself into the hospital due to unease. The emergency happened while Deepika and Prabhas were filming Project K, their upcoming movie. She was taken to a hospital in Hyderabad right away, where the doctors gave her a comprehensive examination. This gave the fire even more fuel.
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