'Final warning' for 'outcast' Prince Harry regarding royal assaults


As part of a final warning, Prince Harry has been advised not to carry on with his royal assassinations.

This assertion was made by foreign policy expert Nile Gardiner in an interview with Express UK.

The British public has lost tolerance with them, and Meghan in particular is a highly disliked figure, Gardiner said in his opening statement.

"There is greater sympathy for Harry, but it would go in an instant if he published a book that disparages his own family. Harry would lose any respect that was left at the drop of a hat.

"Any chance of a royal reconciliation would be destroyed by the publication of a book that criticises the royal family. It would tear down relationships, be incredibly damaging, and Harry would become an absolute outcast.

Harry should rescind his book, which is sure to be quite divisive and might be very critical of the Royal Family.

Harry should do the right thing and pull his book from publication, especially in light of the Queen's passing because that would be extremely disrespectful. It is sure to be a very highly charged book.

Before saying, "With any further attacks on the Royal Family, Harry and Meghan run the prospect of being deported from the UK."

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